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About Me

I’m Mary Lynn,

…a writer, a mother to four grown sons, a health and wellness advocate, an entrepreneur, and a spiritual explorer. I believe that we are all interconnected in ways we can barely fathom, which is why the supernatural is prominent in my work. Lately, I’ve been penning paranormal murder mysteries.

I live a healthy lifestyle and push myself physically, whether that is through a vinyasa sequence or up a mountain, but I still like creamy coffee and chocolate. An avid reader, I have been part of the same book club for over twenty years. I enjoy travelling with my spouse and can occasionally be found singing Dolly Parton in karaoke clubs after hours.

Becoming an Author

My career began as an assistant in the English Department at the University of Calgary decades ago. After graduation, I wrote a proposal to the President of an oil and gas company to create a position for me, where I became a technical writer and editor. Four years later, I started my own business as a ghostwriter for executives in resource-based, environmental, and technology-driven industries.

Fast-forward to 2018, and I completed a program called Creative Work, where I discovered my love of fiction writing. In 2021, I authored a short story collection, earning a Graduate Certificate from the Humber School of Writers, and subsequently completed my Master of Arts, Creative and Critical Writing (with Merit) from the University of Gloucestershire.

My Why

Why do I hammer away at the keyboard for hours? I love language and believe in the power of stories. When I ignore that small inner voice, it whispers…write, write, write.

I remember feeling terrified when I stared down the blank page for the first time — afraid that I couldn’t do it, or worse, that I had nothing to say. But I’m still clicking away. Writing is my way of peaking beneath the surface into what makes us most human, even if it scares me.

Someone once asked me if writing is hard. I said yes, but the question I asked myself next was, is there anything else I would rather do? No. Writing stories that have the power to lift us out of our complacency or that cause us to question our own limited notions is my passion. I’m honoured and humbled to practice the craft every day.